
“I am inspired every time I visit the RALPH PUCCI showroom. It always starts with The Wall. This is the first thing you see when you enter the gallery. The Wall has been designated as a revolving artist’s canvas complementing the featured designer’s work…It illustrates the synergy between art and design, and if it seems that each new installation of The Wall is better than the last, that is only because each one resonates so perfectly with what is displayed in front of it.

The Wall has become so much more than a space for temporary murals; it is the meeting place for artists who work in different media. This is the genius of Ralph Pucci’s vision: He has always known how to challenge artists to come up with something new and exciting…in the end, The Wall becomes a transcendent element, always creating the perfect setting to introduce you into Ralph Pucci’s fantastic world.”

Text condensed courtesy of Wendy Goodman for RALPH PUCCI: Wall

Photography by Antoine Bootz for RALPH PUCCI: Wall


Patrick Naggar sketches the backdrop for his 2017 exhibition (left)

Patrick Naggar’s 2013 exhibition (right)


Patrick Naggar’s 2011 exhibition


Herve Van der Straeten’s bold designs are paired with James HD Brown’s Oval paintings (2018)


Dana Barnes’ handmade floor coverings create a stunning installation behind Kevin Walz’s Daybed (2011)

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Kenny Sharf paints The Wall for his mannequin collaboration (1998)

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Matthew Rolston’s photographs at RALPH PUCCI Los Angeles (2018)


Jeff Quinn’s mural for RALPH PUCCI Miami (2017)

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Eric Schmitt selected a 3D photograph of his team to accompany his 2011 ‘On The Rocks’ exhibition


Jim Zivic’s Hammock and Coal in front of a 2010 graphic painting by Malcolm Hill


Herve Van der Straeten’s Tabouret Capsule and Eric Schmitt’s Jar table in front of a mural by illustrator Sirichai (2006)


Ruben Toledo paints a landscape of faces on The Wall for the debut of his furniture collection for RALPH PUCCI (2012)


Elizabeth Garouste’s playful jungle print for The Wall in 2015 (left)

A black and white background for Andree Putman’s 2014 exhibition pays homage to the queen of the checkerboard

Deborah Turbeville’s photographs (2009)

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Malcolm Hill’s conceptual mural is paired with Jens Risom’s collection in 2005 (left)

John Wigmore’s light sculpture (2002)


Peter Astrom sketches a likeness of Lianne Gold’s glass vessels (2010)

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Jerome Abel Seguin’s Balinese twisted wood sculpture (2000)


Tom H John paints an abstract mural on The Wall for the unveiling of the RALPH PUCCI furniture collection (2010)